How Many Jobs Does Solar Energy Create?

Solar power has brought with it some undeniable benefits. These include its tremendous potential to slow down climate change through reduced emissions, as well as its ability to save money. Being cheaper than coal power in most countries, solar often saves homeowners thousands of dollars in electricity bills every year, for decades. It is also one of the few types of energy that can be generated right where it is consumed.

However, there is another, equally important aspect of solar power - one that significantly enhances its appeal. The solar industry has added an impressive number of jobs in the U.S, and globally. According to the Solar Foundation's National Solar Jobs Census, as of 2019, there were close to 250,000 people working in the solar power sector. From less than 100,000 in 2010, this number has grown by 167%, in a mere decade.

But the significance of these numbers can be best understood when compared with job statistics in other sectors. As the census report puts it, 'In the five-year period between 2014 and 2019, solar employment increased 44%, five times faster than job growth in the overall U.S. economy'. Interestingly, the jobs added by solar bring not just quantity, but also quality. The report states that the median wage for a mid-level solar installer is considerably higher than the same across the entire U.S. workforce.

LG Solar Doing Its Part

A prime example of how solar stimulates the nation's economy by adding jobs is LG's module production plant in Alabama. Recently, LG invested $30 million in establishing a factory in Huntsville, AL, to produce over a million solar panels every year. This plant opened up direct employment opportunities for 170 people, doing its part in transforming the solar power landscape in the country. The solar jobs in Huntsville are expected to grow to more than 200, taking LG's total Huntsville employment to over 400.

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The overall effect seems even more pronounced when we take into consideration the nation-wide network of LG PRO installers. Teams of solar technicians belonging to hundreds of trustworthy LG PRO installers are regularly installing high-quality LG solar panels on American homes. This means LG's positive impact on the country's economy reaches far beyond just direct employment.

The Future Shines Bright

With the plummeting costs of solar equipment and rising costs of conventional, grid power, the shift to solar is nearly inevitable. In fact, this shift is already underway, which is evident not only from the increasing number of solar installs, but also from the increasing number of solar jobs. As more and more people embrace solar - an increasing number of individuals will enjoy stable, fulfilling jobs in the solar sector.

When you choose to go solar, you choose a better future for yourself, and for the planet.