Eight Ways to Effectively Use Digital Signage in Schools


Digital signage is changing the game for communications on campus by creating a unique and integrated campus experience for students, faculty, alumni and visitors. And when you consider the education market, there’s probably a need for just about every type of commercial display, whether for K-12 or higher education. In fact, just about every area within a school could benefit by having digital signage. Here are eight places where digital signage can work wonders.

1) Make a Great First Impression

As students, visitors and faculty walk up to the school, greeting them with welcome messaging and school news headlines on outdoor digital signage is a great way to make a solid impression. And digital signs located in the lobby or administrative area can also serve to greet guests, entertain visitors in waiting areas, and provide a pleasing atmosphere while enhancing your institution’s brand.


2) Provide Dynamic Wayfinding

Interactive digital signs located throughout the campus are an excellent way to help everyone locate destinations and find their way around. And because digital signage is easy to update, maps and directions can be changed as needed. Depending on the location, both touch screen and non-touch displays can offer great wayfinding assistance.


3) Deliver Content Dynamically

The dynamic nature of digital signage allows you to display a multimedia experience that is far more attention-grabbing than a static sign or flyer. Placed in key common areas throughout campus, digital signs can deliver school news, promote events to boost attendance and support, display scheduling or class changes, recognize alumni or valued contributors with donor boards, promote personal recognition and highlight various achievements by students and faculty. This kind of signage can serve as the heart of the network throughout the school.


4) Promote Safety

In the event of an emergency, a digital signage network can be used to quickly push critical information and provide necessary instructions to ensure the safety of everyone on campus. A platform such as LG’s webOS™ Signage can allow content takeover on the entire network of campus digital signage, specific groups of displays or even individual displays, for real-time emergency alerts, health alerts, wayfinding, social distancing messages and more.


5) Facilitate Interactive Learning

Digital displays can support classes or lectures with high-resolution still images or video, and allow presenters to interact with the content to create an engaging learning environment. An interactive digital board (IDB), also known as an interactive whiteboard, is an ideal touchscreen solution for the classroom. IDBs encourage participation by providing the ability to write on the display, and the screen image can be mirrored onto students’ tablets and laptops.


6) Improve Faculty & Staff Communications

Documents and other content can be shared through digital signage, improving communication and collaboration, and streamlining workflow. And small digital signs located outside of meeting rooms can be tied into the scheduling system to highlight room availability and provide a brief outline of meeting topics.


7) Drive Revenue

From outdoor sports fields to bookstores to cafeterias and pop-up stands, virtually any digital signage display can help drive sales and increase co-op ad revenue with branded messaging and advertising.


8) Enhance Theaters

Whether it’s showcasing a lesson that captures the imagination with colorful content, or amplifying the energy of a live performance, a high-quality video wall or large indoor LED screen is a core technology for an auditorium, music hall, art facility, lecture hall or other large space in a high school or college.


LG Is the Right Choice for Education

From outdoor spaces and indoor common areas, to classrooms, theaters and meeting centers, LG Business Solutions offers digital signage to meet virtually any need. And the LG webOS Signage platform can serve as the heart of the entire network of digital signs, providing powerful multimedia capabilities and critical management tools, plus integrated remote management capability that allows monitoring and control of the webOS network. As schools adjust plans for technology buys to react to COVID-19, as well as budget conditions, standardization of technology can help reduce costs. Leveraging LG webOS Signage can help lower install costs and help reduce potential points of failure.


Learn about LG digital signage solutions for education here.

Michael Shin