Architects and Designers Must Include Technology in Early Planning Stages to Maximize Modern Capabilities, Part 1


By Victoria Sanville
LG Business Solutions USA

In just the last two decades, the use of internet connected devices, smart appliances and digital displays has become ubiquitous in nearly all indoor environments, including skyscrapers, transit hubs, stores, hotels, restaurants, hospitals and stadiums. While architecture clients increasingly want to create experiences for guests using digital signage such as indoor LED video walls, outdoor LED Signage, or touchscreen information displays, many architecture and design firms still view integrated building technologies as add-ons to consider later, rather than a core foundational system like HVAC, electrical and plumbing.

This traditional design process is familiar and comfortable, but in order to maximize the capabilities, cost-effectiveness, visual appeal and overall value of modern internet-connected buildings, it’s important to consider a project’s technology backbone early in the design process.

A client who wants to incorporate experiential design and energy-consciousness into their building or space will be best served by architects and designers who are knowledgeable about current and upcoming technologies, and the power, data and physical infrastructure required for optimal performance and impact.

If they want a large interactive touchscreen, for instance, the space needs to be designed to strategically incorporate the display with the proper electrical and data infrastructure, in addition to accommodating the expected audience, whether socially distanced or not. If these factors aren’t considered early, a firm could end up being forced to use a less-than-ideal technology or cause costly late-stage design revisions to “correct” a problem that could have been avoided at the outset.

Architects are increasingly realizing the importance of early collaboration. According to Will Wright of the American Institute of Architects Los Angeles Chapter, it’s important to integrate architecture and technology at the very beginning of the design process for multiple reasons. “The technology itself,” he says, “may lend greater flexibility to what’s achievable with design performance and impact. It will help inform what is feasible and effective and will elevate a human-centered approach to the program.”

Stay tuned. In Part 2 we’ll conclude with the importance of consulting with an expert, choosing the right technology partner and creating digital experiences to ensure your clients get the best results.

To help architects and designers integrate advanced commercial display technologies into their building projects, LG has an expansive library of Building Information Modeling (BIM) online resources here.