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98% Customer Satisfaction Is Not An Accident

In the last few weeks, we’ve been conducting a series of briefings for solar installers and solar trade media on the findings from the recent survey we had consumer research firm, Harris Poll, conduct. This is the latest, most comprehensive look that LG has at homeowner and installer attitudes after the start of the pandemic, and it contains some very encouraging signs that the solar industry won’t just survive the current recession.

It indicates that solar can thrive during this uncertain time.

Part of the reason for that is the advancement in how homeowners view solar. Not only is there more demand now for solar among homeowners, but we’ve learned they are going solar because they are viewing it as a long-term investment – not a short-term cost. The Harris data didn’t document this, but we have a strong hunch that the ranks of solar homeowners have grown so much that in mature solar markets non-solar homeowners are beginning to form their views of solar from the experiences of neighbors, friends and friends of friends.

That’s where the 98 percent number comes into play. According to the Harris Poll survey results, it’s the percentage of people who own LG solar panels and reported that they are satisfied with having our panels on their roofs. In fact, nearly 7 in 10 owners of our panels say their expectations have even been exceeded. To us, that means something. It reflects that our customers are happy with the LG Solar brand, our LG Pro installers, and in turn, that makes us really happy.

We think that number isn’t an accident, but rather a product of several factors:

  • Strong relationship of homeowners to the LG brand, established by buying other LG consumer products. That brand relationship sets up homeowners to expect LG solar panels to perform as well as their LG television or washer that they own and like.

  • Performance of our panels on their home, including the money that they save homeowners.

  • Warranty strength and customer centric follow-through by LG and our partner installers.

  • Experience that the homeowner had with our LG Pro partner installers, who often get very high rankings from consumers on various online review websites.

It reminds us that as a producer of over 1 million panels a year, a 98 percent satisfaction rate is a choice, not an accident. Because life’s good when our customers are happy.